Dominique Coutens
  • @woukiwoukiwa
I am a cloud software engineer, backend and frontend.

Today I am developing μservices in golang, a language I want to continue to explore. I write the μservices by deploying them continuously on kubernetes in AWS, with Kustomize, helm, Jenkins, Gitlab CI ...
Frontend side, I take the lead on topics of modular or distributed web application. I like exploring the capabilities of micro-frontends. Working with a registry npm is no longer a problem for me. Vuejs is my best framework of the moment, but I keep an eye on React and Angular!

Convinced agilist, I like doing my job as a developer in an agile ecosystem. I contribute strongly in the agile guilds and I try to coach the teams while being a guarantor of the methods.

I do not like to say that I'm fullstack, but it still looks like it !!
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