Nov 2019 - Present
Yihwan Kim
- @yihwan
From early stage startup to engineering management Today, I’m an engineering manager, and my day-to-day feels far removed from my years spent scraping leads and consoling irate customers in a tiny ...
Fixed a minor bug in theme-ui. It took me a while get used to it, but Theme-UI has become my go-to framework for styling.
For Digital Nomads: Centro — Oaxaca City, Mexico “What’s a chapulĂn?” I asked. Our guide grinned mischievously as he motioned towards a food stall surrounded by baskets piled high with dried insect...
Early learnings from an engineering manager on a fully remote team This week officially marks my 6 month milestone of leading a fully remote engineering team at Curology. It’s been fun; it’s been c...