
Implementating access tokens and refresh tokens on the frontend for the first time. It was hard but now it is making a lot of sense. I saved my tokens in local storage and not sure if that is the r...
Learning how to use Amplify Studio using Ali Spittel's tutorial https://welearncode.com/studio-vacation-site/
I got verified on Upwork!!!!!
Learning how to go realtime with socket.io, node and react.... This was my first time running a node/express server
How I managed two arrays without using concat(),spread operator and Set()
Double nested loops have time complexity of O(n²) Note: depends on the value of n.
testing out github copilot, very interesting! noticed some solutions were not accurate.
Google Africa Developer Scholarship https://www.pluralsight.com/partners/google/africa/gads-2021?aid=7014Q0000023RnOQAU&oid=&promo=&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&utm_medium=partner_partner_web_referra...
Some good Friday news!
Working on my portfolio, feel free to inbox me on any suggestions https://zude.netlify.app/
Looking back when I was starting out my software development career https://twitter.com/Big_Zude/status/1125371643164024834?s=20
Life has not been the same without meetups, I miss meeting different people and just learning! https://twitter.com/Big_Zude/status/1048605175538208775?s=20
During my internship program, struggling with react.js and getting from friend https://twitter.com/Big_Zude/status/1181567647709896704?s=20
At the space apps challenge by NASA in Lusaka, a lot of great ideas and solutions. My team come out tops during the hackathon https://twitter.com/Big_Zude/status/1185504769839943681?s=20
Volunteering at Women in teachhttps://twitter.com/Big_Zude/status/1104299591342673920?s=20
Volunteered at developer conference Zambia(DEVCONZM) learned cool stuff and met awesome people! https://twitter.com/Big_Zude/status/1175501598476439552?s=20
Switching back and forth between JavaScript and Typescript projects is really tasking😅😅😅 Refactoring gets a bit funny!
Reading a blog called JavaScript to Know for React
I started learning backend for frontend devs taught by Ali Spittel on pluralsight. https://twitter.com/Big_Zude/status/1397260369077354496?s=19
I designed a dashboard in Adobe XD for a lending business https://www.behance.net/gallery/119415961/Dashboard
How To Post And Fetch Data Using React-query https://link.medium.com/ot7wHnoRygb
I designed a landing page for a lending company https://www.behance.net/gallery/118832439/Easy-Credit?tracking_source=project_owner_other_projects