
Pave the Way for AI and Accelerate Digital Transformation - The Ultimate Executive Guide
Startup prompt hacks for ChatCPT or Bard
Democratizing Data - What It Means, Why It Matters, and How to Achieve It
Data Silos are Killing Your AI Performance
Earth Observation with Blossom Sky (databloom.ai) Understanding climate change is a typical use for EO. EO can give vital data to scientists by monitoring changes in temperature, precipitation patt...
Tackling Data Management Head-On: The Story Behind Databloom AI
We just released a blog post with Databloom I wrote over the last weeks, covering my experience with energy companies like E.ON, critical infrastructures like Amtrak or Port of Amsterdam and cybers...
I'm now officially a digital nomad - legally! I take new work serious and start with "working from a beach" ;)
Bye Germany and continental Europe!
Internationalization: The challenges of building multilingual web applications We begin July with a new blogpost from our engineering department. Marcelo, our UX application expert, writes about th...
After the recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), and especially in Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL)*, various other computer science fields have gone into a race of "blending"...
Many applications today go beyond the functionalities offered by the platform on which the data is stored. This is because there is no platform that can fit all the data analytics spectrum (followi...
What the heck is Blossom? 3 use cases Databloom solves with Blossom: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6930054444168445953
We work at databloom.ai on something really cool. Imagine collaborative AI in an enterprise. Teams from different locations work on the same project simultaneously, like a Google Docs for AI. How i...
The API of big data and AI Exciting news: Python API done, python as platform mostly done We work since nearly a half year on full python platform support. Great news - we solved the JVM - python U...
New blogpost up via databloom.ai: https://engineering.databloom.ai/2022/03/the-missing-piece-in-ml-based-query.html Machine Learning (ML) has not only become omnipresent in our everyday lives (with...
What is the state of data 2022 onwards? Federated learning is a key technology for the upcoming years, VentureBeat explores in the newest technology article. Data decentralization comes more and mo...
We start to organize meetups across the world to discuss Apache Wayang and databloom.ai with our customers, community and interested newcomers! Subscribe to the group and never miss a meetup when y...
New blogpost up - why we as humans always using metaphors to compare things we don't really understand with things we think we might understand. Why is data the new "oil", "soil", "air" - why can't...
Teradata and databloom.ai agreed a cooperate effort to enable Federated Learning and Analytics between Blossom and Teradata's Analytics 123 platform. We extend the predictive modeling capacities of...
Decentralized AI, federated learning and analytics are the upcoming next big thing, according to a IDC white paper. That means much more - breaking free from centralized data stores; hybrid cloud a...
Check databloom.ai out on Venture Radar!
Federated Learning and data poisoning New blogpost up - what is data poisoning in the federated learning space? It’s a attack mechanism which aims to degenerate the model, inflicting much lesser ac...
Blossom gives data scientists, data engineers and data operations the power to design, manage and deploy, instantly and to any cloud, with built-in UDF support to ensure best practices, resiliency,...
databloom.ai - refreshed We are happy to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. We encourage everyone to visit and explore the site! => https://www.databloom.ai Our goal with this new...
What is now Federated Learning and why is FL the next big thing? While ML has become a quite powerful technology, its hunger for training data makes it hard to build ML models in a single machine. ...
We get asked about federated learning and production scenarios. Here we start with real-world use cases, proven and accepted, in this case via IEEE Xplore. => Airfreight revenue learning RL-Cargo, ...
Sneak preview - have a first look at our upcoming UI. We leverage low-code and no-code principles, just draw your data flow and add custom code, if you want. The approach enables data scientist to ...
My public statement about the renaming of our company: “We felt the name Scalytics was somewhat misleading. The name made statements about the company that linked us to operations, and not to our c...
Force-enable dark mode in Chrome Just stumbled over a chrome hack - enforce dark mode for every website: “chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark” Using “Enabled with selective inversion of non-image ele...
Apache Wayang now officially supports Apple M1 architecture. And of course our AI platform Scalytics supports M1, too ;) We back-ported some of our code we used there. Blogpost here: https://mapred...
Apache Wayang at ASF Apache at home 2021 We presented Apache Wayang at the '21 Apache @Home conference, and the talk was highly appreciated. Many thanks to the conference team - the organisation wa...
infinimesh AIoT is on producthunt After more as 3 years of open source development infinimesh is finally on Producthunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/infinimesh-aiot-cloud Enjoy!
Else Wednesday night, around 10:35pm, our dog Else died. Peacefully, without pain, in our arms at home - naturally. R.I.P - we miss you! It's now a void we can feel, but we also know that you had a...
Time flies - back to the roots I build atm our new website, it's fun but also a lot of work. Why? Yeah, I don't use such things like Wordpress, Drupal, Elementor and who knows what. They just produ...
We are hiring! Ya, I know - every company is in hiring mode. So are we - but we will disrupt an emerging market. And this can be only done with the right persons on the right positions in the right...
Why we use ELv2 for infinimesh We follow other open source companies like Elastic, Confluent or Cockroach Labs and add ELv2 to our community license. I hope that the open source community around Th...
'Blue' Hydrogen Is Worse For the Climate Than Coal Study finds As I sing since years. But the old economy gives a sh... about our sustainability, they just want to sell their ideology. The creation...
Our journey moves forward - Series A It's not a secret, we raise a series A to scale our product and business model. We see IoT as an important, when not THE important edge tech in the coming decad...
Some nice k8s one-liner: Get pods with a certain status: kubectl get pods | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}' | \ xargs kubectl delete pod Force terminate: kubectl get pods | grep Terminating | awk '...
Global warming will hit 1.5C by 2030 https://www.ipcc.ch/assessment-report/ar6/ - but politicians see only their own advantage. The gulf stream, Europes "heat-pump" can collapse within the next few...
Missed our talk at RedisConf2021? No worries, we got your back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vohEi5ioGrA&list=PL83Wfqi-zYZETiS9V9C5avCyArl1WO5d_&index=9
Hey nerds, infinimesh.community V2.0 is out! We released our high anticipated v2.0 community version of infinimesh - infinimesh.community - today. You'll find the code as usual in our github: => ht...
We are nominated for the WorldFestivalAwards // StartUps in IoT, Mobile, Devices. Voting is open until Aug10th ;) https://worldfestival.com/award-voting/?c=Infinite%20Devices%20GmbH
We do extensive scientific research on the "Internet of Inclusion". We want to enable everyone to interact, or react to large IoT fleets. Important when we expand into the space, and much more impo...
We just launched our #AIoT cloud #infinimesh at producthunt. Amazing news will follow, we strive to disrupt Business-As-Usual in our industry. -> connect. control. collaborate <- https://www.produc...
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. Oh and btw IO is by far the most superior of the AI-Assistants! 🔥 😎 🤖