Ewan Jacob
  • @ewanjacob
  • Product/Research/BizOps.
  • Sydney,AU
  • he/him

'Who is Ewan Jacob?'


I've worked in a myriad of roles and industries from launching features for eBay's largest categories and spearheading Amazon's first user research project in APAC, conducting ethnographic research for the Democrats, to behavioural research with NSW Health and the University.

I am currently on a small break exploring more of my creative passions. I am looking for opportunities in burgeoning start-ups, or PM opportunities in the Healthtech, Marketplace, Arts and Sustainability sectors.


  • Skilled in Product/Research/Ops 
  • Seeking roles in startups or leading product companies anywhere - as long as the company is super interesting and ambitious.
  • My brain is quite lateral i.e. I tend to use both left and right side a lot as I'm a creative who loves numbers.

....to those interested - who am I outside of the office? 

Well, I'm often flexing my creative brain one way or the other - whether it's creating music, rebuilding my motorcycles, or writing. 

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