Faith RR
  • @faithrr
My name is FaithRR and I’m in transition from 2.5 decades of wage-working in public health/human service nonprofits and voluntary work in grassroots initiatives to full-tilt, big time synergistic hustle in forging direct and by-proxy collaboration with the forces of the for-real Metaverse to seed new worlds and create deep healing justice through community-based participatory action, cooperative/DAO stewardship of community assets, and story-based strategies that amplify shared humanity while contributing to the progressive dismantling of the dysfunctional, corrupt, oppressive structures and systems that have defined human societies during the Common Era of the Anthropocene. 

I have a remarkable capacity for lengthy sentences, as well. 

I’m a utility player that can flex in a lot of different directions if the work is in alignment with my ethos and inspiration to work-smarter-not-hard and leverage joyful curious absurdity as a tool in catalyzing and supporting projects that protect and defend threatened and vulnerable people, places, animals, and ecosystems while also creating new systems, structures, ideas, and perspectives. 

I’m differently-abled due to significant learning and processing variance and this has impacted my capacity to fully participate in the normative American 9-5 wage-work economy. 

It also means that there are some ways that I am literally a genius, while being fairly daft in other areas. As a differently-abled person that has faced direct de facto discrimination and barriers to accessing opportunities, I am excited to stop trying to make my way by traditional American means, and to disinvest from economies that are tied to oppressive systems and structures I am working to create change in.  

I am motivated far more by integrity of work and alignment with ethos than I am by assets. 

This means that I have spent a lot of my working and growing adult life hanging out around the poverty line and spending a lot of
time in community with poor folks.  

It also means that I make conscious choices about where I put my time and energy, and what work I contribute my skills to. 

In addition to being a Master level mental health professional, community organizer, and design concept whizkid, I am also a life-long learner, a writer in several genres, an artist across multiple media, the mother-steward of two fledgling adult Humans that are successfully navigating their way toward a sovereign adulthood. Now that my kids are transitioning to their own lives, I am also transitioning to my own life - a life in which I lean in to all the things that make me different, instead of trying (and failing) to hide them. 

I am a natural experimenter who is a survivor of many things. 

I have Amor Fati tattooed across the backs of my hands and a wing tattooed in the center of each palm. 

I have been a boxer, a distance runner, a hardcore smoker, and - for a time - a longterm celibate poet. 

I am still a poet, always a poet. 🙂

Like all Humans, I have the power to make things happen with my participation in the various dimensions of the world. In this next iteration of my professional life, I am excited to make more happen and to expand the impact of my work in all areas. 

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a bit here. My polywork profile - like everything else - is a work in progress, but I’m super stoked to connect with other folks who are quietly making big moves -  or, even better, small moves with big impact - in creating culture, leveraging influence for collective benefit in the new worlds being built. 

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