
This week I led a training session on project management for two days. This included a short input on Scrum, Design Thinking and Kanban. Once again it was great to see how communication was valued ...
Co-facilitated a workshop today on assessing psychological stressors in the workplace using existing measures in an IT consulting firm. I really like their new approach, to try to build on what exi...
This week I led a variety of trainings on leadership communication and time / self-management. Again it was great to see how applying psychological research can encourage participants to change thi...
With my client, an international NGO, I discussed how to review their current project management processes while including different internal stakeholders.
Happy that I had the opportunity to work with a group of inspiring people @r3solute and consequently to co-author this practice insight on how to integrate conflict resolution and mental health awa...
It took a while, but after a few revisions and a lot of troubleshooting my website is finally back online:
Today I wrote a shiny app that allows our psychological research team to keep track of incoming questionnaires data. Thanks to R/RStudio/Shiny and soscisurveys API, we make sure to stay up to date ...
Excited to work on new research projects as a visiting scholar at Psychologische Hochschule Berlin
Getting paid for not working. "Kurzarbeit" sounds like a dream to some but turns out to be unnerving and stressful for others too. Had a chat with Benedikt Peters from Süddeutsche Zeitung on why th...
Completed a project so that my client would get an overview on psychosocial stress factors at their workplace and find ways to improve their internal collaboration in the future.