
Finding home service providers — through Google Shipped the Google Home Services (now Google Local Services) provider app. This Android app helps home service providers (handymen, electricians, etc...
Started freelance visual design Mostly to fill my spare time and get more practice with visual design
Voice2App - A simple voice message recording app Freelance visual design project
Get At Me - A digital catalogue of the culture of your neighborhood Freelance visual design project
Podmany - All your podcasts in one place Freelance visual design project
Intersection - A loyalty-based rewards platform Freelance visual design project
Culture Books - a digital media publication platform Freelance visual design project
SquareUp - a virtual talent competition Freelance visual design project
Avatar Popups - an avatar-based social media platform Freelance visual design project
Public art for stress relief Designed & prototyped Art Escape - an augmented reality drawing app which provides stress relief through guided meditations & interactions with public art. Case study c...
Designing a fashion-based social media platform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkI2h8WY8_U Built FitCrew - a fashion-based social media platform which lets you quickly get feedback on an outfit pu...
Building the future of music-listening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGr9w9NgzNE Partnered with Amazon Music to look 3-5 years into the future and build next-generation music listening experience...
Won a US presidential election Designed & built the front-end for a website which drove over 300,000 incremental mail-in votes in key swing states, likely winning the 2020 US Presidential election ...
Envisioning a next-gen virtual concert platform Designed and prototyped Stage, an AR-driven virtual concert platform which allows deeper artist-to-fan interactions and lets artists reward their mos...
Earned my Master's in Human Computer Interaction from Carnegie Mellon University I'm a designer now (???)
The site that launched a thousand memes https://twitter.com/GuamHat/status/1300492535475904515 Built and launched https://balloon-letter-guy.glitch.me/ - a meme generator for the balloon letter guy...
A virtual design studio in Figma Designed & launched a Figma canvas which serves as a virtual design studio for a now-virtual studio course - Environmental Studio IV with Professor Dan Lockton at C...
We gotta use more mobile sensors Launched a shake gesture demo which makes use of your phone's accelerometer in the browser. Check it out on your phone!
Won Rehack 2019 - Redesigned Twitter to reduce "tweet-regret" Used psychological design principles to design several features which reduce tweet regret & harmful in-the-moment tweeting. Some of the...
Generative 80's patterns https://twitter.com/GuamHat/status/1193978119994118145 Launched the Memphis generator, built using React, p5.js, and Glitch.
I hate this game https://twitter.com/GuamHat/status/1205982293787103234 Launched the Hex Guess game, built in React, to the dismay of many.
What's the ideal UI for multi-robot interfaces? Researched and presented work for discovering the optimal user interfaces for multi-robot teams through the APRIL robotics laboratory.
Enabled optimal meme-posting Designed and launched HJCafe - an internal discussion board (/meme board) for Homejoy employees. Built using React & Firebase when these technologies were still in thei...
Launched a Material Design component Launched a revamped version of the Material Design Button component. This is one of, if not, THE most used component in the Material Design library. I led this ...
Launched a placeholder website Launched an updated version of gsajith.com! This site will also feature my case studies & other projects soon.
I hope this is okay to do Published the Polywork Logo Figma file because I needed the logo for my website, and I'm sure other people do too! It's now on gsajith.com!
Launched a Material Design system Designed and released the color theming system on Material Android. This is one of the most crucial parts of the MD Android library, and it was my most challenging...
Launched a Material Design component Led the launch of the Extended Floating Action Button component for Material Design. This component is an extended version of the iconic Material Design FAB.
Launched a Material Design component Led the launch of the Material Button Toggle Group component which groups several Material Design buttons.
Programmatic UI Generation https://twitter.com/GuamHat/status/1168592470566932481 Launched MDGen on the Play Store - programmatically generated Material Design UIs.
"The Components of Material Design" I spoke at Android Developer Summit 2018 to a crowd of ~300 in person, and a few thousand more over livestream!
Launched the Shadow Maker Figma plugin https://twitter.com/GuamHat/status/1309264072274317314 Shadow Maker lets you generate smooth drop shadows which can be tweaked with bezier curves, and lets yo...
Launched the Font Preview Figma plugin https://twitter.com/GuamHat/status/1309516463070498816 Font Preview lets you visualize text in all the fonts available on your device, along with a live previ...
Launched the Mesh Gradients Figma plugin https://twitter.com/GuamHat/status/1380561321268219906 Mesh Gradients lets you edit and render an image with an underlying 2D mesh, so you can get the perfe...