
I got quoted in a post on the SD Times — Why the web framework hype train is always moving
Creating content is a lot of work. I wrote up my own strategies for creating more content from the same amount of effort, along with what I’ve seen from brilliant folks like Cassidy Williams, Salma...
I wrote up some thoughts on LeadDev about choosing between a career path as an IC vs. going into engineering management that I wish I’d had when I was a senior dev wondering about next steps.
I was quoted in WorkLife. People are claiming there’s a developer shortage, but I argue that there are thousands of developers ready to work if companies would set up team structures that supported...
Every once in a while, you get lucky enough to work on a project that taps into everything you love. I led one of those projects at Netlify recently — and it goes live TODAY. Watch the new video on...
Sarah invited me onto Algolia’s Developer Experience podcast to talk about The Art of Teaching Developers. She asked great questions and I hope my answers are helpful to anyone looking to become a ...
I talked to ProgrammableWeb about the impact of livestreaming on developer experience.
I built a couple utilities for my website to upload local images in Markdown and 11ty templates to Cloudinary. They're now available as an open source package on npm.
Taking real, fully disconnected time off is good for your health and for your team. But you have to ACTUALLY disconnect to get the benefits. I wrote a new post: Checking Slack and email during vaca...
I taught a webinar with Stefan Judis. We cover how to: • Set up a custom headless CMS with Contentful • Use GraphQL to access Contentful data • Set up environments in Contentful to develop without ...