
Convocation from University of Waterloo after almost five whole years, i finally finished my undergrad and convocated! i now have a Bachelor degree in Computer Science, with a minor in English Lang...
Became Kubernetes 1.21 CI Signal Lead after being a shadow for CI Signal in the 1.20 release, was fortunate enough to serve as the CI Signal role lead on the 1.21 release!
Kubernetes Contributor Award 2020 was honestly delighted and honoured (and very, very shocked) to find out that i'd been recognized by SIG Release for my contributions to the k8s community as a rel...
Wrapped up my work at Bit Project i joined Bit Project on a bit of a whim (literally - i saw a discord message and decided to reach out!), but over my four months with them, i helped edit both docu...
Contributed to Self-Defined the Self-Defined dictionary is a genuinely awesome and inclusive open-source project that I'd had my eye on for a while but wasn't really sure of how to contribute. than...
First PR to a Kubernetes repo! a few weeks after joining the Kubernetes 1.20 release team as a CI signal shadow (and joining the Kubernetes Github org), i made my first PR to a Kubernetes repo by e...
modch (a small Go utility) a "side project" is kind of an overstatement for what this is, but at some point someone said I should learn Go, so one of the things I did while trying to learn Go was m...
Became a Kubernetes 1.20 CI Signal Shadow ... and a part of the Kubernetes community! beyond grateful to Rob Kielty, who saw potential in my application (despite me not really having any experience...
Production Reliability team at Yelp started my first full-time job! i think i can pretty confidently say that this won't be like any of my previous internships, so i'm incredibly excited :)