
CreatoryX Launch
There has been some things I have decided today, and with those decisions come in some changes. One of the changes includes a brand new Facebook page! I now own a personal Facebook page, fully dedi...
Discord Resources Today CCM has released a total of 3 embeds with different links in relation to discord and discord server management [and a bit of bot..]. Those include but are not limited to the...
I have just created a new Ko-Fi page []. People can now donate some money, and help me with reaching some goals! Just one more useful thing made I guess haha... I probably ...
I was doing a post on my Twitter page, and it came to my mind that I could make a post here too. Just now I have posted a new photograph on Instagram! You can view it here. I have also posted a pho...
Got a promotion to an Administrator position at Owners Community.
Got a promotion from Head Moderator to an Administrator at HypeSquad Unofficial! Looking toward continuing working with this server and seeing it grow to its full potential!
Back on Polywork... It's been a while since I've been here, and it's time to finally change that! And I am going to start by announcing a new project that I have recently started! Recently, I and m...
YouTubers Hangout, 28-12-2021 YouTubers Hangout is still a "new" server, but we are already very proud of it. As the server is about YouTubers, one of our owners has decided to make a YouTube video...
Decided to make myself "quick" banners the other day. I probably will work on making better one's in the near future, this is just a temporary solution for now. One only shows my polywork link, whi...