Aug 2019 - Present
Luka Jovicic
- @lukaj
- Belgrade, Serbia
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I was honored to receive a reward from City of PanĨevo as one of the best graduating students from the city (even though I technically graduated at the moment of the ceremony). In total, 29 undergr...
By passing a final oral exam (with a perfect score!), I'm now officially a graduate of Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. Took me a bit less than 4 years to get those 240ECTS, so not b...
Putting on my Wiki Ambassador hat, I successfully initiated, tracked, and brought to a successful finish a collaboration between Wikimedia Serbia and Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade ...
Our second group project for the semester was a web app, but tackling the same area as the first one, git (we're building two decently sized projects for different courses simultaneously after all)...