
I added some design projects and UI/UX Case Studies to my Portfolio recently and these are some of the thumbnails. You can view my portfolio using this link. https://malithebrand.vercel.app/
It was a great privilege to lead an impactful conversation on technology and the future of work over the weekend with the team of volunteers at Myllash Youth Foundation Initiative's maiden summit w...
Tested the aaply.app prototyping tool and gave comprehensive feedback on my learnings and experience using the product.
Designed a Doctor's dashboard UI for a healthcare app. https://www.behance.net/gallery/148703225/Doctor-Dashboard-UI?
Got the blue checkmark. 🤩
I unlocked the Quickdraw achievement badge on @github! 🏆 https://github.com/users/Maliverse/achievements/quickdraw
Built a glassmorphism clock using HTML, CSS & Javascript. View app: https://maliverse.github.io/glassmorphismclock/ Github: https://github.com/Maliverse/glassmorphismclock
Built a calculator app using HTML, CSS & Javascript. View App: https://maliverse.github.io/calculatorapp/ Github: https://github.com/Maliverse/calculatorapp
Designed an e-health landing page website on Figma and built it out using HTML & CSS. Figma: https://www.figma.com/proto/NVzRV33lQ8KWowmkuR0M3q/ECOHEALTH-WEB?node-id=38%3A6&scaling=min-zoom&page-id...
Built a to-do list app using Html CCS & Javascript. https://github.com/Maliverse/to-do-list
Today I was looking for some design inspiration and decided to visit the Netflix website and I really loved how thoughtful, straightforward and easy to navigate the interface on the web browser is....