
Today was my last day at stck.me (Formerly Scrollstack.com) I spent more than a year working with the wonderful engineering team there. I learnt a lot from everyone on the team, and made some new f...
My journey to use more terminal based workflow continues. Today I wrote an article about How to get Firefox Reader mode in your Terminal
Started microblog using Hugo. This is my place to write short (or long) and informal notes. It also helps answer "What is Mandar doing now" on most days.
I spend most of time in Emacs and Terminal. I make code changes in emacs and switch to terminal to run the tests. Wouldn't it be nice if I didn't have to switch and can do it inside emacs without s...
I have been using Emacs as my primary editor for several years now. magit has been part of my workflow for reviewing my changes mainly. and then I realized that magit can do a lot more than just gi...
Completed one year at Scrollstack. Feels great to be part of the team “ScrollStack is a platform for creators to own their online identity, distribution, and collect money from fans. Built to addre...
After getting logs from various services to a central log server via rsyslog next step was to implement log rotation else the logs will grow huge soon (when deployed in production) Configuring logr...
Installed LetsEncrypt certificate on one of the production server. I can not believe it is so simple to secure a website running on a ubuntu server sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-nginx...
Configured `rsyslog` on Ubuntu server to collect logs from remote application server. syslog using UDP seems straight forward, but I wanted to setup using TCP (TCP being more reliable and all) At f...
Web2py was the first framework I tried at the same time I was learning python language. That didn't go very well :) I used python for standalone scripts. That worked well. (In future, I re-visited ...
Today the Ace Cabs Driver app and the entire service went live. Among the Demonitization declared in India a couple days ago, I traveled to the Ace Cabs HQ in New Delhi with my colleague who owns t...
Today, I pushed my first commit for the API server designed for Corporate Taxi Hiring Platform we are building for Ace Cabs. The API will be consumed by the Android app.