It was a wonderful experience rolling out Microsoft Sharepoint across all teams and territories. The work involved: • Scoping the requirement of each team via presentations & seminars. • Building a...
Due to a departmental restructure, I was entrusted with building a new junior team for the ad operations team. The task involved: • Working with the Human Resource team to get the job ads out • Fil...
Digital Cadet Certificate Programme at the Digital Training Academy (Sydney, Australia) Underwent training in digital marketing strategies ranging from Brand Focused through to Direct Response and ...
The beginning of a new type of working for my company - Work from Home. With the sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic & with employees in house lockdowns, employers across the world have had to qu...
Advertising Process Lead I am so thankful to my department director for promoting me to a new role in the company, as the "Advertising Process Manager"! In this role, I am primarily responsible for...
I helped transition a major part of our work overseas (to India). The work involved the following: • Preliminary discussions with the offshore vendor • Scoping out the project, building timelines, ...
I'm super excited to check out Polywork as one of the first early adopters. A massive "Thanks" to Polywork social media team for giving me VIP access within minutes of me starting a discussion abou...