
Accessible Card Booster Pack Opening Game
Career Journey: Cognitive Science Alum Interview
Industry Representation Series: Scripps Alums in Tech Panel
Presented "Figma for Non-Designers" Compiled the experience I recently gained from fumbling in Figma for the first time into a 1 hour workshop to internal engineers, product managers, and other non...
Wireframed a new feature in Figma With the recent departure of our team's designer, our project manager and I stepped up to design a new email configuration page. She provided a strong understandin...
Did a 30 minute Art Coaching Session Over Google Meet, shared some of my work with a professional artist who quickly identified that practicing solid shapes and perspective would improve my art. He...
Got the Ball Rolling on a Long-Stagnant Reskinning Project Quarters ago, the Design team had provided beautiful mocks of a site redesign, with the goal of unifying the look and feel of the Pilot pl...
Upped My Kitchen And Office Game Kitchen: • Instant Pot pressure cooker/ air fryer • Lavender Always Pot, with pink bow pot handle pinchers to make it look like Hello Kitty • Walnut cutting board •...
Mentored Early Career Frontender Within months, guided mentee - a career changer at first tech job - beginning with 1 line fix, how to run a virtual environment, to becoming a key contributor to hi...
Started exercising consistently for the first time in my life Throughout school, I was always the last to finish running laps. Into adulthood, walking around a suburban neighborhood is abysmally bo...