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Check out Loopin - organize meeting knowledge and daily tasks

Hey Polyworkers!

We recently launched Loopin V1 and wanted to invite the community to try it out.

About Loopin:
Loopin is a workspace for managing meeting knowledge and daily tasks. Loopin provides context for meetings and aggregates todos from all other work apps to help you plan productive workdays.

Here's an intro video:

If you spend a lot of time in meetings and don't get enough time to work on your tasks, you'll love Loopin.

What is Polywork?

Polywork is a social network where you share the unique intersection of what you do and who you are. Meet, discuss, and discover opportunities with your Community.
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Posted on Oct 06, 2022

Parth Pareek

Building a workspace to manage meetings and organize time @LoopinHQ
I love tech startups and all things growth.
🏗 building LoopinHQ
⏳ previously: @samsung @framebench @zs
🎓 alum: @bitspilani @columbia
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What is Polywork?

Polywork is a social network where you share the unique intersection of what you do and who you are. Meet, discuss, and discover opportunities with your Community.
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