Pavel Špejtek ♒
  • @paquary
  • Czech Republic
 Web application developer on various topics:
- financial information (reports, surveys, planning, ...),
- Laboratory data .. collection, processing, form generator for collection, generator set
- TRS, OEE applications
- display of sensor data in graphical form ... ECHARTS, statistics
- application recipes for production
- production planning ... in the development phase
- registration of complaints

MS Office VBA:

- general solution for importing Excel -> MSSQL data, creating tables, filling data .. used in several projects, or as a simple data filler for web applications

MSSQL 2016:
- technical design of the whole data processing system for controlling ... Excel (data input) -> MSSQL -> OLAP (Analysis Services) -> EXCEL (reports)

- creating small applications base upon XLSX table and create sharepoint list by using FLOW, which is formatted by JSON
- debugging Excel documents with bindings for team collaboration stored on SHAREPOINT => created macros for analysis, fixing problems + powershell script for first detection of why file is slow

- own framework based upon JavaScript and jQuery (90%) , PHP (10%)
- MS SQL 2016, installation, design, SQL optimalization, OLAP 
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Jul 2019 - Present

Software & Systems support leader , SAVENCIA SERVICES EUROPE a.s.