While filing my patent first I start with technical business procedure design. I think about a mathematical model and apply it to an already existing fact of nature. A database design pattern. A software platform interface design layout interaction procedure. A chemical reaction. A commercial appliance application.

Essentially I as a patenter / inventor am looking for profitability. How much can I make per the cost of getting this invention into place. A line of code is cheap, so does it cover patent costs. A chemical reaction is costly to scale, who are your investors. A database design pattern, which business is going to own it and use it and what for and why them, is it going to be licensed and at what cost, how are you going to market it, is it an efficiency procedure or an element of the power of new information? Take linkedin for example. Their worth is a majority of 3 things, their network, their patents, and their income. Their patents create the growth which attracts the network which brings the income. If you have good patents you can do anything. But you don't want to publicise anything until you have a good patent.

Well, you need a title, a short description of the invention, a purpose of the invention. And you need some descriptive data that helps you write to those goals.

What I do to start writing a patent is I use my very own "Complementary Scholar" which looks at the vesica pisces venn diagram intersection of keywords of patents already standing. Then I understand the concept, then I can use it in my design. Some of my designs are merely theoretical i haven't built them yet. They are merely ready to be implemented. But the application is dependent on profitability at a point in time. So some inventions are sitting on the shelf waiting for the future. This is what allows a prophet to predict.

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