
I got to speak at 200OK about Functional Web Apps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLrsDoVs-fs&t=1767s
Talked about Functional Web Apps at 200OK. Thanks to the awesome Techlahoma team for putting on a great conference! Slides are available and the actual presentation video will be published soon. ht...
I science'd Markdown renderers to help choose an engine for SSR .md to HTML. The benchmarks may be helpful to others https://github.com/tbeseda/markdown-compare
I released a plugin to quickly add a Remix app to an Architect project. Deploy your Remix app to AWS Lambda/S3. https://blog.begin.com/posts/2022-03-14-architect-plugin-remix
I'm getting closer on my Architect plugin for Remix. It needs some more integration testing to make sure Remix and Arc can be upgraded safely as new versions are released. https://github.com/archit...
I started learning about the WebExtensions API by writing a quick Firefox "new tab page" that displays my browser's bookmarks in a tree structure. https://github.com/tbeseda/tiny-bookmark-tab-webex...
I wrote an article about testing Functional Web Apps where I compared some popular tools and how they work in a serverless stack. It's important to keep the execution environment clean and fast. Wh...
Last night I started toying with SSR Marko.js in a Lambda with Architect. I've got the basics or Marko working out of the box, but still piecing together the bundled version with Vite + SSR for the...
I released a small TAP reporter called `tap-arc`! https://github.com/architect/tap-arc
I'm super excited to check out Polywork!
AWS released ESM support in Node 14.x Lambdas on Jan 6. It took us by surprise, but Ryan was able to turn around an Architect update in less than a day to provide support in Arc projects! I've got ...
I released an initial version of `arcdown`. It's a small Markdown toolchain (based on `markdown-it`) to render md for technical content in real time. It's fast enough to power our docs, blog, and o...