I currently work as a Software Test Engineer at Microsoft Testing Center. I am mostly using virtualization technologies such as Hyper V and Azure.
Other tools that I often use at work are Fiddler, Wireshark, Microsoft Endpoint Security, and PowerShell.
I believe in doing something awesome. No matter what the project or task is, it is better to do it right. The perfect project is not just completed. It is done awesomely.
That's me, I keep things awesome.
I am currently learning the following:
JAMstack (to be specific - building websites on eleventy)
I aim to get a job in Cloud Computing with a focus in DevOps or Cloud Support. So if you are hiring or know someone who is, feel free to get in touch.
Other stuff: I write mostly on productivity and motivation. You can have a look at what I share here: >>> https://www.johnwakahiu.com/
Thanks for stopping by and I wish you well as you crush your goals.