
I turned my insights on🤠 how to skim and optimize a broken meeting culture into a blog post. Because I like things to be practical, you'll find hands-on ways to improve yours too. 👁👉🏽Let me know if...
Hej folks, I recently went down a rabbit hole to puzzle some pieces on the emerging decade or organizational culture together. This blog post is the essence of my research. 📑I've included steps for...
🔥🔥🔥 from the digital press: I'm soon hosting a culture-boosting webinar for perkio on how to build a healthy company culture using workshops. Since Asamby Consulting has a big heart for small onlin...
Just discovered new ways to use Qatalog as a small boutique consultancy. We think the tool can supplement asana and will use it to create client dashboards. More soon✨. “I can definately recommend ...
A fresh new collaboration with Julie Cartier from and is coming up soon. We are hosting a webinar on “Employee Wellbeing and How to Foster Healthy Organisations in Small Busine...
I love stretching my creative muscle 🎨 and dipping into different fields. At such opportunities come naturally. I'm currently redesigning the website and am creating our brand style guid...
When it flows, it flows. Visualising roles and tasks to check capacities when planning for future growth / reorganising is essential. As a rule of thumb, office-based (cognitive) roles should have ...
Don't we all like meetings, that are🎆impactful and well moderated? This week we launched a tailored and brand-aligned meeting guide for one of our clients, including: • Meeting flow infographics • ...
“Our secret ingredient? Helping remote companies & teams to scale from within and to love what we do. 💫” 💨! has been voted best B2B Service Provider for the second time in a row by clutc...
To support a current re-organisation project, I created an operating model and focus groups (similar to holacracies tribe structure).