
#100daysofcode Day 65 As I promised, our app is currently online☺☺☺ and I'm very happy with the project, which has been both interesting and demanding. As of today, our app can add and delete items...
#100daysofcode Day 64 Our to-do list is currently capable of both adding and deleting items as it now contains a database though locally. Also, one can create multiple to-dos with different heading...
#100daysofcode Day 63 I was happy with my yesterday's design and today it looked a bit basic to me and so I had to pause adding the add and delete functionalities to try something not "so basic" I ...
#100daysofcode Day 62 After today's session, I built my to-do-list app to add a list of items to an array of items which the user enters in the prompt to enter a new item to be added. However, the ...
#100daysofcode Day 61 Actualizing my plans to pause learning for the moment and start building projects. I just started my second project today which is a to-do-list app, I'll be using HTML, CSS, J...
#100daysofcode Day 60 The importance of rest is often underrated, not just for health reasons but also for its impact on other aspects of our daily lives and activities. The day before yesterday, I...
#100daysofcode Day 59 Hey, guys. I need your help with this bug. Was working with google OAuth and it was working perfectly on my local server but after committing to my deployed app on Heroku, it ...
#100daysofcode Day 58 So far, it has been both interesting and demanding, building this current project and as of today, I can say that the stress was worth it. After learning React, I had decided ...
#100daysofcode Day 57 Couldn't possibly get the answers to import and update data from my database(MongoDB) to my dashboard after asking on some platforms. Instead of staying idle, I decided to lea...
#100daysofcode Day 56 Today, I focused on making my on-going website responsive using the media query breakpoints and changing the displays and positioning of certain elements at these breakpoints.
#100daysofcode Day 55 I continued the dashboard from where I had stopped yesterday. With some minor changes, I should be done. It was really fun building the dashboard as I coded along from an exte...
#100daysofcode Day 54 Succeeded in pushing my file to the local server on port 3000, using express, ejs, body-parser, mongoose, and passport npm packages for the project. Currently working on the d...
#100daysofcode Day 53 Done with the structuring and styling of my E-commerce App. By tomorrow hopefully, I'll start programming it. It's a multi-page website.
#100daysofcode Day 52 Currently building projects with the stacks, frameworks, and libraries I've been learning for some time now. On an E-commerce App with Node.js, using Sass as styling. It'll be...
#100daysofcode Day 51 Thanks to @Dan Scott for your youtube tutorials on Figma essentials. If the youtube extract videos were this awesome, I wonder how the complete Udemy course would be. Thanks t...
#100daysofcode Day 50 So I started learning Figma just yesterday and focusing on wireframing, I created something, though basic, it's not bad for a beginner 😄 Can't believe I'm halfway into the #10...
#100daysofcode Day 49 Concluded my learning of Sass today with the following topics: grid system, using the @extend property, how to purge the CSS showing only the properties used in the project, a...
#100daysofcode Day 48 After this week, I intend to take a break from learning and give more time to building projects with the stacks I've learned so far. Just theoretical learning is insufficient ...
#100daysofcode Day 47 When I started my tech journey newly, I was made to believe that front-end web development is the more relaxed and less-calculative part of web development. But getting to wor...
#100daysofcode Day 46 Today, I decided to try out Typescript with React.js, but I didn't find it funny. I wonder why it has to be that difficult for a beginner. I'll be working with my normal javas...
#100daysofcode Day 45 What setter is for useState, dispatch is for useReducer. React by default would render a parent component with the child components but it becomes problematic when the re-rend...
#100daysofcode Day 44 So, I'm on the first page of the wakaTime leaderboard, among the Top 60 even though I enrolled to join yesterday. Not a bad start, little consistent steps matter. Finally, com...
#100daysofcode Day 43 So UseEffect hooks combine the ComponentDidMount(Mount), ComponentDidUpdate(Update) and ComponentWillUnmount(Unmount) lifecycles of the class component method. Such a great re...
#100daysofcode Day 42 I completed the lesson on applying higher-order functions in React. Learned why and how we render props, context, and HTTP(Axios). I ended my study of the class component. Aft...
#100daysofcode Day 41 I refused to cheerfully enjoy my weekend when i didn't meet up with my weekly goals. Therefore, I had to meet up during the weekend and I'm happy I did. I learned React portal...
#100daysofcode Day 40 Today, I worked on Component lifeCycles and when and how they are used. Also, how they precede each other. Hence, Constructor() precedes static getDerivedStateFromProps() and ...
#100daysofcode Day 39 After taking my previous React course on Udemy, in the Q & A section, one of the students suggested that we enroll to a youTube link she had sent to complement what we had lea...
#100daysofcode Day 38 Been working with the functional component in React and so today, I started learning the class component and how to use it along with the functional component. When you come a...
#100daysofcode Day 37 Learning to use Material UI today was an interesting one, maybe because I'm familiar with how to incorporate bootstrap to websites. However, adding the dependencies was really...
#100daysofcode Day 36 Still on React, today's learning was remarkable. Tried working on the project myself which is geared towards managing the component tree; how data is passed around from the pa...
#100daysofcode Day 35 And so it's the weekend, we finally got some time to chill and watch more netflix😄. It was an exciting week with so much to learn. This industry isn't about outright perfectio...
#100daysofcode Day 34 Concluded yesterday's topic on conditional rendering; ternary operators and the ampersand and then worked on some exercises in the code sandbox. I find it easier to work with ...
#100daysofcode Day 33 Today was quite an interesting one, I covered various topics relating to ES6 functions in React such as: Map, Filter, Find, Reduce, and Arrow functions. Also, I learnt ternary...
#100daysofcode Day 32 I had to pause my learning as I was called upon by my group(Aptech) to work on a collaborative project. I started working on the dashboard and group info page yesterday. Howev...
#100daysofcode Day 31 Today, I learned ReactDevTools and how to use it in a local browser, and how effective it is in debugging. I also learned the mapping function and how to use it in React. This...
#100daysofcode Day 30 And so we begin; I have anticipated the day I would delve into the field of React and finally, I'm here. Sometime in 2020, there was a friend who sought a partner to aid in a ...
#100daysofcode Day 29 Finally, I started learning React and I worked with CodeSandbox. Learned JSX, JSX Expressions versus Statements, Template literals, JSX attributes, and styling. #webdevelopmen...
100daysofcode Day 28 I have been working on Authentication and security for three days now; this was to be the last day of it before I move to React.js. I developed a means to get users to register...
Day 27 The programmer who published his ApiKey............ Learning environmental variables today and their essence of it, I discovered how porous some vital information could be if the programmer ...
100daysofcode Day 26 And so we begin. Authentication and security. How secure are Clients' data on your Web application? What extent would you go in securing and personalizing client data from onli...