Developer Journey

Returned to the QA team as an SDET! I found out from the Front-End Engineer Apprenticeship that I prefer front-end web development as a hobby, not a career. I like to make my own rules, I don't lik...
Front-End Engineer Apprentice Today I start my formal Front-End Engineering Apprenticeship! As an apprentice, I will be focusing on improving my web applications skills and preparing to prove I am ...
Front-End Engineer Mentee An informal mentorship under a senior Front-End Engineer. During this mentorship I will: - Work on front-end projects to become familiar with the front-end team workflows ...
SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test) After 8 months as a Quality Automation Engineer partially devoted to assisting with functional QA while learning the ropes of automation work, I've been...
Huzzah!! I started my Hashnode blog! 🎉 I wanted an outlet for motivational writing and my desire to help others by sharing new knowledge gained by working in the tech industry. There are a lot of w...
Today I graduated from University of Wisconsin - Whitewater with a BSE in Spanish, sans licensure. I no longer wanted to teach high school Spanish, but I wanted to finish my degree program. I'd see...
I started learning React! This was a New Year's Resolution of mine, and I couldn't wait to get started. I took Bob Ziroll's free Scrimba course on React, and I've been a fan of using React ever sin...
Started learning web development on freeCodeCamp! I technically started learning to code years before this, when I took a Visual Basic course in college to satisfy a math/science elective for my BS...
Shift Lead What?? I'm a Shift Lead at Walgreens! 🎉 This was my first ever management role. It was a floor supervisor, essentially, but I got to do a lot of things. Sometimes it felt like too much, ...
Customer Service Associate Started a new role as Customer Service Associate at Walgreens! 🎉 This is the job I largely consider to be the start of my "upward spiral" into the tech world. I didn't kn...
Finished redesigning and redeveloping my personal website! I started from scratch, sketching wireframes and creating Figma mockups before writing a single line of code. I wanted a website that was ...