Open Source Contributions

Various updates to the docs
Restyle examples
Improvements to fetching
Added Warning/Error Banners
Became a PyScript core developer
Added Changelog
Created a settings component for the redesign of the opsdroid web app. This is part of the effort on redesigning and improving the app. I've also fixed various bugs and added new enhancements to th...
Converted the old opsdroid-web app from React to Typescript. The motivation to do such was due to the fact that the project was stale and we couldn't build the project anymore. Moving the project f...
Redesigned the web app for opsdroid it's been fun improving the app to a more modern look. The next step will be actually writing the CSS for it and the settings component.
Yesterday and Today I spent a bunch of time addressing open PR's on the open-source project opsdroid. We had a few PR's that were open for a while, it feels good to finally get them merged in!
I've been a maintainer for opsdroid for a few years, but today was the first time I released a new version to Pypi! Version 0.26.0 is now live.
Done some maintainer work for the open-source project opsdroid. Today consisted on: • Code reviews • Merging PRs • Replying to issues
Added the possibility to generate signed urls with write permissions for AWS, GCP, Azure and Openstack, with the Cloudbridge project.
Added a connector for Gitlab to the Opsdroid project. This was the first open source project that I contributed and have been contributing since - it's been nearly 6 years. At work, we use Opsdroid...
I had my second PR merged into the Dask Distributed project. The fantastic thing about contributing to Open Source projects is that you can always learn something new! Today I learned how to set a ...
Created a new PR fixing a broken test in Dask Distributed. The PR was merged and this became my first small contribution to the Dask project!
As a side project, I've been helping cloudbridge update its Azure dependencies. What seemed a small PR became a bit more complex since Azure API changed a lot. This PR allowed me to dig deeper into...