Final Year

About time I graduated. Class of 22 - Bachelor of Design - Interaction Design The past 4 years have been a rollercoaster, and there were moments I thought of dropping out, but here I am. 😬 Better a...
Graduating in less than 3 months and I secured a job! Whenever I finished my portfolio website a while ago, I shared it wherever I could. Including here, on LinkedIn, Instagram and some Slack commu...
I've been interviewing for a few graduate positions this past week. As exciting as it is, and I see that I'm lucky to be in a position to be invited to interviews, I'm also nervous. Throughout univ...
Created the first prototype for Maze. It's amazing to see how much this project has evolved and I'm excited to see where it's heading. It's going to change a lot but it's great to see the idea take...
I designed the brand for Maze, the project I've been working on the past few weeks. Maze helps designers build their personal knowledge library and it's a place to spark creative ideas. I wanted th...
Pitched a group project I'm very proud of. The goal was to create a digital product that helps combat surveillance capitalism. Our group focused on an AI solution that simplifies T&Cs and creates a...
I was chosen a Runner Up on the Jameson Whiskey NI event during #BelfastDesignWeek2021. All the #ixdbelfast and graphic design students from Belfast School of Art submitted amazing work. Proud to b...
Pitched my Final Year Project Idea, Maze. I've been working on an idea for the past six weeks. After talking to other design students and some design professionals (who were kind enough to take the...
Week 04 of Final Year. I picked what I'll be working on during my final year of Interaction Design and I'll be posting my process and progress on my Notion Blog 🔥 You can have a nosey here -> Jasmi...
I started my final year of Interaction Design at Ulster University and I started my YouTube channel NameIsJams where I document my uni progress as well as my life as a Luxembourger in Belfast, Nort...