Laureline Levy
  • @laureline
  • I'm a Volunteer, Project and Team Manager, & LGBTQI+ Rights Advocate based in Paris, France - currently freelancing at acracy
  • Paris, France
  • Elle /She

Welcome to the depositary of all things me on the web.

I've been working on building and producing objects of advertisement online and offline for fifteen years.

I founded a brick and mortar queer meeting place all by myself. And I failed this because Covid 19 had other plans for 2020.

I love to talk about the fashion and beauty industries and how queer people exist in these spaces.

I love learning languages and I am always looking for conversation buddies for Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

I write fiction in english and I post about Kpop in french on linkedIn.

I foster cats and kittens.

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Aug 2023 - Present

Project director, acracy

Apr 2022 - Mar 2023

Director Of Operations, Steve

Aug 2021 - Apr 2022

Account manager, Steve

Jan 2019 - Oct 2021

Founder, La Constellation Paris