Michele Fioravera
  • @mich
  • computer scientist
  • Galiza
  • el, el, o seu

Hi, I'm mich, a developer and mathematician.

I'm a devil's advocate whose top "soft" skill is related to a flaw: I learn quickly, especially because I forget quickly as well.

I'm looking for a team that builds on asynchronous communication. Some experiences I carried out remotely are: software development with project management tools; co-writing of articles using remote collaboration systems; content creation together with colleagues in online forums; presenting at virtual conferences.

My dream job is to read technical documents and write code; I started in the field of educational technology, publishing together with researchers for academic projects involving international institutions; lately, I contributed to the field of cultural heritage by joining a local digitalization initiative. Both experiences involved my field of specialization: algebra. The former dealt with the use algorithms for mining automatic assessment tests' text from open courses; the latter with a critical edition concerning Fibonacci's manuscripts. Some related experiences:

  • Experience maintaining and upgrading desktop publishing software
  • Experience working in learning and development
  • Experience delivering in-house training
  • Experience managing cross-functional projects
  • Experience working with autonomy on projects involving multiple stakeholders from different teams
  • Experience launching e-learning platforms and content management systems
  • Experience teaching classes
  • Experience reporting to leadership

I graduated as algebraist and then got a PhD in apprenticeship, having studied cryptography, artificial intelligence, web services and databases from the departments of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Business, respectively.

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