Things I’ve built

Octavalidate Native JS V1.3.2
TailorsKit is Live 🐱‍🏍🐱‍🏍🐱‍🏍
I'm rebuilding Oshare
Octavalidate for ReactJS: Client SIde validation Library for ReactJS
Octavalidate for NodeJS
Coding Blocks Have Been Updated I launched a WordPress plugin that helps to embed code snippets directly into your WordPress posts. This plugin uses Google prettify as its core syntax highlighting ...
Within 2 weeks I was able to build a library that helps to validate your forms server-side with PHP. This Library uses validation rules & sophisticated regular expressions to process & validate you...
I'm Currently Building A Chrome Extension! I have been reading a lot of articles online and I'm missing out on the important aspects of these articles because there's no way to highlight and save t...
I published my first javascript package on NPM. octaValidate is a javascript library that helps to validate your HTML forms using validation rules, sophisticated regular expressions, and form input...
octaValidate I have updated the GitHub repo of octaValidate and this script is 100% ready to be used in your project. octaValidate is a tiny Script that helps to validate your HTML forms using vali...
This week, I will be rolling out an update to octaValidate. Take a look at the demo images below. The image on the left is what the form looks like when validation fails and the image on the right ...
An Update on GMAS Give Me A Star (GMAS) is a SAAS App/web APP that collects Customer reviews from your website or business and helps you manage them. I started this project in June 2021 and have so...
octaValidate This script helps to validate all form input elements. This script is built with JavaScript and provides support for Regular Expressions. This means that you can specify a validation r...